MEET OUR NEW HEADTEACHER: Read Mr Robinson’s recent interview and book your visit here.

SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING: 19.00 – 20.30 on Thursday 3rd October. Book your place, here.

NEXT OPEN MORNING: 09.00 – 12.00 on Tuesday 1st October. Book your place, here.

Rook News Spring 2022 – Senior School

It has been a very busy and productive term in the Senior School.  With extra-curricular clubs and fixtures in full swing, school is beginning to buzz again after a long period of quiet.  All departments have been busy, providing wonderful experiences for our pupils from science week to visiting the Mary Rose and working on our mental health with Year 10 visiting a farm that came into school.  A number of our pupils had the time of their lives, singing at the OVO arena, Wembley at ‘Voice in a Million.’  Music and drama continues to play a big part in school life, as rehearsals continue for ‘High School Musical.’  The popular song from the show ‘We’re all in this together,’ epitomises the spirit of staff and pupils, as we continue to face the challenge of the COVID pandemic.

On the sports field the senior school continues to be successful, with the Year 8 netball team completing an unbeaten season by winning the district league.  Fixtures in a range of sports have been plentiful and enjoyed by the majority of pupils in the school.  Challenges and achievements continue off the field with success in the Rotary Clubs ‘Young writer’ and ‘Youth Speaks’ competitions, as well as excellent results in the UKMT maths challenge.

It is always thrilling to watch the confidence and determination of our pupils and I am sure the summer term will be jam packed with learning and personal growth opportunities, which allow our pupils to thrive.

Mrs E Hacker

Head of Senior School

Lower School
Sixth Form
Performing Arts