MEET OUR NEW HEADTEACHER: Read Mr Robinson’s recent interview and book your visit here.

SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING: 19.00 – 20.30 on Thursday 3rd October. Book your place, here.

NEXT OPEN MORNING: 09.00 – 12.00 on Tuesday 1st October. Book your place, here.



Rookwood School offers means-tested bursaries, subject to funds being available. The percentage discount awarded will depend on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants.


Bursary awards are made on the basis of an assessment of a family’s financial circumstances, including their savings, investments and realisable assets, as well as their income, the size of their family, any other persons dependent upon them and other similar factors. Parents/guardians with a child at the School whose financial circumstances suddenly change may also apply for a bursary in the same way.

Within overall budget funding, the School will, in normal circumstances, set aside funds each year, for cases of sudden, unforeseen need or where applications meriting bursary assistance are received out of the normal calendar cycle. This sum will be set within budgetary constraints and such awards are subject to the availability of funding and cannot be guaranteed.

Students writing in a lesson or exam at Rookwood School in Andover, Hampshire.


All bursary awards are subject to repeat testing of parental means each year and maybe vary upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances. For those previously in receipt of bursaries, the Headmaster and Bursar have the discretion to recommend to the Governors the reduction or withdrawal of an award not only where a pupil’s progress, attitude or behaviour has been unsatisfactory but also where the parents/guardians have failed to support the school, for example by the late payment of any contribution they are making to the fees.

The School respects the confidentiality of bursary awards made to families and recipients are expected to do likewise. Any breach in confidentiality may mean a reduction or withdrawal of the award.

Rookwood School branded bags hung up on coat pegs in the lower school classroom.

Application process

To apply for a bursary, parents must return a completed school application form, including registration fee, and a means-tested bursary application form.

Bursaries are normally allocated in February/March for the following September. Please note that applications after this time will still be considered but any award may be limited due to the constraints outlined above.

For further information please contact the Rookwood School Bursar on 01264 325916

bursary application form

A Rookwood School pupil dressed in uniform typing on a computer keyboard.

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In our prospectus, you'll find more information about the school, the facilities and what it's like to be part of the Rookwood family.

A year 2 Rookwood School student studies a globe in geography class.

Next Open Morning

Science photo

Discover Rookwood School at our next Open Morning

Tuesday 1st October at 9.00am