PLACES AVAILABLE FOR SEPTEMBER: We have a number of places available for September 2024 entry. Please contact us to discuss your needs.


NEXT OPEN MORNING: 09.00 – 12.00 on Tuesday 1st October. Book your place, here.


School Life

A courageous approach to learning

At Rookwood School we value a courageous approach to learning; our school motto, ‘dare to learn’ demonstrates this and is embodied by our older pupils, many of whom have been with us from younger years and develop into ambitious, confident and compassionate members of our community.

Senior School pupils dare to learn and succeed

We deliver a rigorous academic programme but believe that successful pupils are not defined solely by their attainment in tests and exams. Our programme of study allows pupils to maintain breadth as well as depth, based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales leading up to the GCSE syllabus and A-Levels studied in our Sixth Form. We encourage aspirational ‘behaviours for learning’ that are proven to lead to success, when applied consistently in a supportive environment by teachers that know and value their pupils. Rookwood School offers this in abundance – pupils here dare to learn and succeed.

Rookwood School students participating in practical class work.

Wellbeing at Rookwood School

Wellbeing at Rookwood is a whole school culture which ensures that every member of the community can flourish. This is reflected in the Senior School experience through our mission to tailor provision for families, offer strong and caring relationships to pupils by the teachers and staff, and ultimately ensure that learning and opportunities are meaningful and joyous! We also believe that healthy active pupils tend to be more engaged with school life, and as such our pupils develop high self-esteem and a strong sense of personal wellbeing. They feel valued and are therefore more willing to contribute positively to the wider community with purpose and compassion.

Rookwood School students sitting in the window smiling and talking.

Confident, thoughtful, outward-looking young people

We also place a great emphasis on teaching pupils how to think for themselves, formulate an argument, communicate well, and deal productively and confidently with other people. These are the skills that will help them make the most of their academic success in the outside world – and these are the qualities that make Rookwood pupils become such valued members of society.

Students and a teacher of Rookwood independent school in a science lesson running an experiment.

News & Events

Rookwood's Champions of Antarctica

Rookwood School recognised for commitment to protecting Antarctica

  Rookwood School is thrilled to announce that we have been recognised by the esteemed 2041 School charity for our…

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Former pupils of Rookwood School

Former pupils and colleagues return to Rookwood

On Friday 24th May 2024, we held a very special 90th Year Alumni Afternoon Tea. It was wonderful to welcome…

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Reception child in classroom

Stay, Tea and Play in Reception

  If you are interested to learn more about life in Reception Class at Rookwood School for September 2024 entry,…

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Platinum Mark Award for Sport at Rookwood School

Platinum sports success for Rookwood School

  In May last year, Rookwood School was awarded the Gold Award for the fourth year running by the School…

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Year 10 pupils’ success in basketball

  Our Year 10 pupil Oliver played this season for the Abingdon Eagles Basketball Team in the U16s National League,…

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Paul Robinson and family

Rookwood School’s new Head from September 2024

We are thrilled to introduce Mr Paul Robinson as the new Head of Rookwood School from September 2024. Currently serving…

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Pupil singing into microphone

Rookwood pupil reaches final of national musical theatre competition

Rookwood School is thrilled to announce the exceptional achievement of Macey, a talented Year 11 pupil. Having achieved her Grade…

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World Book Day at Rookwood School

Rook News Spring 2024

  Click the link below to view our newsletter. Rook News Spring 2024

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Swimming pool at Rookwood School

Spring Term Reflections: Celebrating achievements and looking ahead

  As I reflect on a very busy Spring Term, I do so with a great sense of gratitude to…

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Next Open Morning

Science photo

Discover Rookwood School at our next Open Morning

Tuesday 1st October at 9.00am