NEXT OPEN MORNING: Friday 28th February 2025. Book your place

Beyond grades: Why mental health matters in education. Read blog post

EASTER HOLIDAY CAMP AT ROOKWOOD: Book places by 23rd February for early bird discount! See full details

School Life

School Life in Prep School

The Prep School is a vibrant, nurturing and busy school that encourages pupils to thrive in an atmosphere that is caring, ambitious and fun.

A child-centered approach

Through a very child-centered approach our dedicated team of teachers and support staff, help each pupil achieve their best, while developing their own unique passion to discover and learn.

Rookwood School welcomes families and children from all backgrounds and our warm family ethos is tangible. Pupils are confident, respectful and thoughtful members of our community and enjoy welcoming new pupils to the community each year. At the heart of what we do is our focus on pastoral care and this is very clear from our nurturing approach to supporting and encouraging pupils as they thrive moving up through the school. All pupils have the support and encouragement to aspire and fulfill their ambitions, passions and interests.

Rookwood's prep school students chatting on a bench at playtime.

Wellbeing at Rookwood School

Our children in Primary School love to be active and stretch their wings. Our beautiful spacious grounds provide the space to thrive with dedicated staff who model the importance of being active and healthy. Fun opportunities to stay active and involved are available for all years from sporting clubs, Physical Education (PE) lessons and shared fixtures with other local schools. From Nursery to Year 4, our pupils have one hour of PE each week and then from Year 5 and Year 6 we offer two single hour lessons and a further extended afternoon PE lesson to enjoy a variety of team games that help our children develop cooperation, compassion and character. We believe that healthy active pupils are more engaged with school life with high self-esteem  and a strong sense of personal wellbeing.

Year 1 and 2 Rookwood independent primary school students sit outside on a bench at playtime.

Rookwood Family

A Rookwood Sixth Form student in the classroom talking to a teacher.

Mrs Jellard

I am proud to be part of our community and see the impact we can have on students and the progress they can make.

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Mr Smith, Head of Modern Languages at Rookwood School.

Mr Smith

It is the atmosphere of trust in our classrooms that enables pupils to continue enjoy making progress and ‘daring to know’.

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Mrs Abraham, a member of Rookwood Primary School Staff.

Mrs Abraham

I have been lucky enough to work at Rookwood School for the last twenty years – which sounds like a very long time but which has gone in a flash.

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Request a Prospectus

In our prospectus, you'll find more information about the school, the facilities and what it's like to be part of the Rookwood family.

A year 2 Rookwood School student studies a globe in geography class.