MEET OUR NEW HEADTEACHER: Read Mr Robinson’s recent interview and book your visit here.

ROOKWOOD SCHOOL FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR: Friday 8th November. Learn more, here.

INTRODUCTION TO RECEPTION EVENT: 16.00 – 17.30 on Thursday 7th November. Learn more, here.

Mrs Abraham

Mrs Abraham – Year 4 Teacher

I have been lucky enough to work at Rookwood School for the last twenty years – which sounds like a very long time but which has gone in a flash, filled as it has been with so many interesting, challenging, inspirational and fun things in which the Lower School have participated.

At the moment I am responsible for the Year 4 class, but I spent the first decade in Year 5, before moving to Year 3 for a few years. I also teach Music to KS1 and Drama to all of KS2.

Apart for my daily teaching job, the main thing I am responsible for is producing the KS2 spring musical. This is really big undertaking, which actually takes up most of my extra time for the majority of the year, but the hard work pays off when I see the children absolutely buzzing and full of pride at the end of each performance and I can see their self-confidence climb year on year.

Rookwood is such a friendly school that lots of our past pupils keep popping back to visit us and it is always fascinating to see what mature and self-assured young adults they have become and to know that we had a part to play in their success.

People often talk about the “Rookwood Family” and it is absolutely true; everyone cares about each other and the relationships around school are based on mutual respect between the staff and pupils. The staff always go the extra mile to help the students, way beyond what would normally be expected, and the pupils know that they are cared for and will be supported in all their endeavours. I, personally, am very proud to be part of this family.

See more Rookwood family

Mrs Abraham, a member of Rookwood Primary School Staff.