MEET OUR NEW HEADTEACHER: Read Mr Robinson’s recent interview and book your visit here.

ROOKWOOD SCHOOL FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR: Friday 8th November. Learn more, here.

INTRODUCTION TO RECEPTION EVENT: 16.00 – 17.30 on Thursday 7th November. Learn more, here.

Rook News Spring 2023 – Performing Arts


In Music we were excited to start some new clubs this term, including the Chamber Choir who were able to perform beautifully on many occasions.

We had a wonderful Senior Spring Concert where the talents of Rookwood pupils really shone. Their professionalism, talent and obvious enjoyment were a delight to see. We were treated to solos, group numbers and some larger choir items.

The term was completed with another awesome trip to Voice In A million. Pupils from Years 3-9 travelled to Wembley Arena to perform in a choir of 5600 children. We even got to parade the Rookwood flag on the stage. What a fabulous evening of singing.

Mrs L Parsons

Teacher of Music


It has been yet another busy term in the Drama department, but we would not have it any other way!

Year 10 and 11 Drama GCSE students went to see a performance of the highly acclaimed musical ‘Blood Brothers’ at the Wyvern Theatre in Swindon and had a wonderful time. The following week the students were treated to an intensive acting workshop hosted by actors Mike and Steve who have previously played Sammy and Mickey respectively in ‘Blood Brothers’. Elysia in Year 11 said “this workshop was most informative and will definitely help me when answering questions in my GCSE exam. I particularly enjoyed having the chance to act alongside the professional actors.”

The Year 10s recently completed their first acting unit. They were given various stimuli and had to devise a twenty minute original piece. One group chose to focus on the topic of children in care and the other focused on the theme of grief and the different ways in which it affects individuals. Both groups demonstrated superb ability, stage presence and focus.

In other news, Year 8 finished their study of the Titanic this term, and as part of their final assessment, performed their own creative monologues inspired by the real life characters on board. Every single one of them deserves to be commended on their level of maturity during this unit. Amelie who performed the part of passenger Mabel Owens said; “I learnt a lot about what the people on board had to endure and through the development of my performing skills, I found that I could empathise with them on a deeper level.”

On an exciting final note, we are delighted to announce that the next school play has been chosen! In usual Rookwood tradition we cannot reveal the musical until the summer term, but we promise you that you this is not going to be one to miss!

Mrs Blackmore

Drama Teacher

Other Rook News Spring 2023 Galleries

Little Rooks
Lower School
Senior School
Sixth Form
Friends of Rookwood