As I reflect on my first term as Head of Sixth Form, I cannot help but be impressed by what the students have managed to achieve in the space of the few weeks that was the Spring term. In terms of both personal growth and academic achievement, it has been a privilege to see the students make such meaningful progress.
The term got off to a serious start for the Upper Sixth. In addition to their mock exams in January they started to get offers of places at Universities such as Reading, Royal Holloway and Exeter. They are now working hard to achieve the grades they need.
The Lower Sixth have settled in well and are making good progress, completing their first set of internal exams towards the end of the spring term. They look forward to going to the UCAS Discovery event in London during the first week of the Easter holidays in order to start making plans for their future beyond Rookwood.
All our Sixth Formers have shown responsibility and leadership by organising, running and helping with many clubs and societies across both the Senior and Lower School such as badminton, running club, Model United Nations and Eco Schools. There has been success in a number of areas, such as the Senior Youth Speaks team.
Our music A Level student, Xen had some great news. He has been offered a drum place in the pit band for the National Youth’s Music Theatre show over the summer called “The Boy Who Sailed The Ocean In An Armchair”.
In enrichment this term, students have had great fun and learnt some valuable skills in the University cooking programme. The Lower Sixth have also used their subject knowledge to support pupils lower down in the school, gaining some valuable teaching and leadership skills in the process.
As ever, the Rookwood Sixth Formers can be relied upon to help others and were happy to run the Comic Relief cake sale on behalf of the whole school. They also welcomed Year 11 to the Common Room for croissants and a tour of the Sixth Form Centre. A number of these students are looking forward to taking their place in the Lower Sixth in September.
As the days get longer and the exams approach, I can only imagine next term will be even more fast-paced and exciting.
Mr H Smith
Head of Sixth Form