MEET OUR NEW HEADTEACHER: Read Mr Robinson’s recent interview and book your visit here.

SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING: 19.00 – 20.30 on Thursday 3rd October. Book your place, here.

NEXT OPEN MORNING: 09.00 – 12.00 on Tuesday 1st October. Book your place, here.

Rook News Spring 2023 – Little Rooks

The Little Rooks children have learnt a lot about people that help us and have invited many visitors into the Rookery. The local community police officers came in their car and allowed the children to try on their helmets and outfits. A Dentist came in to talk about how to look after our teeth and ran an oral health ‘Healthy Hero’s’ workshop in partnership with Barnardos. It was great to have a real recycling truck visit to find out how our rubbish is sorted.

All the children have also explored several animals this term including snakes, budgies, spiders and a tortoise. Not forgetting the opportunity to feed and clean our Nursery pet African Land snails.

What an amazing variety of weather we have had this term.  We have been out and about in the school grounds and made the most of winter walks, playing in the snow, stories in the garden, den building in the nature area and shadow chasing in the sunshine.

We have also been very creative and made our very own special Coronation Card and Coronation Crown that we have sent to the king in time for his Coronation in May. We hope he likes it and you never know we might get a letter of thanks to put with the one we have from the Queen’s Jubilee.

Mrs R Osmond

Little Rooks Nursery Manager

Other Rook News Spring 2023 Galleries

Lower School
Senior School
Sixth Form
Performing Arts
Friends of Rookwood