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Rook News Autumn 2022 – Sixth Form

This term the sixth form have been focused on getting to know each other having gone from two students last academic year to ten this year.  Lower Sixth have been working on developing their time management skills for study periods and getting to grips with the academic challenge of A levels.  Upper Sixth have been finalising their UCAS applications and personal statements as well as preparing for mock examinations in January.

Enrichment activities have supported the bonding process with the students going climbing, playing squash, going to the gym and planning excursions.  Sixth formers have also been developing their leadership skills, taking on prefect roles in the wider school and working with individual tutor groups to support younger students.

Mrs J Jellard

Assistant Head (Academic)

Other Rook News Autumn 2022 Galleries

Little Rooks
Lower School
Senior School
Performing Arts
Friends of Rookwood