NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £33 per child per day if booked between 7th to 10th March! See full details

Rook News Autumn 2022 – Lower School

This term we have been very busy in the Lower School. There have been so many events which the children have been involved in to support their learning and development. It was wonderful to see so many of you at the parent meetings and meet the tutor events. These meetings are so vital in establishing the relationship between parents and staff. As part of our library programme, Miss Lambourne and Miss Hickman, who run the library, organised a Roald Dahl day celebrating his books. In lessons, the children also looked at different Roald Dahl stories and completed a range of exciting tasks that linked to these.

Early in the term there was the sad announcement of the Queen dying. As a school we came together for assemblies, moments of reflection and lessons. We offered the children a range of support as well as celebrating the wonderful life she had.

On one wonderful but slightly rainy Wednesday afternoon Mrs Parsons and the Lower School staff held their first tea concert since Covid. The children in every class from Reception to Year 6 performed at least one song and the audience were also treated to some very entertaining LAMDA pieces. While enjoying the performances the audience sat at tables decorated by Year 3 and were served tea, coffee and cakes (made by Year 6). It really was a wonderful event.

At the end of the half term, we celebrated harvest across the Lower School including the children in Little Rooks. The Friends of Rookwood organised a fun filled day were the children got to experience a range of sensory and hand eye activities as well as understanding different aspects of harvest. Our children in Reception, 1 and 2 visited the Pick Your Own in St Mary Bourne and immersed themselves in farm life. The children enjoyed walking the woodland walk, digging up potatoes, picking pumpkins, looking after the horses, learning how to make pumpkin soup and drinking hot chocolate. It was a wonderful day.

During the latter half of term, the children were involved in our very own World Cup draw. Each group picked 2 countries and they have been focusing their learning around these countries. There are also prizes for those still in the competition on the last day of term.

Christmas is always one of the busiest but most exciting times in the Lower School. We have had two exceptional Nativities by our youngest children, a Christingle by Years 2 – 6 , a wonderful carol service by the older children and Seniors, plus an Elfridges Bazaar gift exchange event, Christmas lunch, Secret Santa and Christmas parties. What a way to end an incredible term!

Mrs L Wowk

Head of Lower School

Other Rook News Autumn 2022 Galleries

Little Rooks
Senior School
Sixth Form
Performing Arts
Friends of Rookwood