NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £33 per child per day if booked between 7th to 10th March! See full details

Rook News Spring 2023 – Senior School

This term we have been busy looking forward to how we can improve the school. The School council met to discuss issues that pupils would like to see improve throughout the school. Meetings have now been set up with key staff to progress pupils ideas.

The school has continued to support charitable events, recently having a dress down day and cake sale in aid of comic relief. We also stood for Ukraine to mark the one year invasion of the country.

All year groups have had the opportunity to go on educational trips and visits including Tate Modern, the Mary Rose and The Imperial War Museum. These experiences really bring to life the curriculum and an opportunity to learn outside the classroom. The Art Department have also run workshops with professional artists, in Year 8 where they worked on different landscapes and Year 11 and 6th Form, who completed a day’s textile workshop.

The senior school run lots of activities to stretch and challenge from Space Club to Chess. The Maths Department also entered pupils into the UKMT maths challenge, where pupils’ mathematical skills were put to the test, with some exceptional awards for our KS4 pupils.

Mrs L Hacker

Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Other Rook News Spring 2023 Galleries

Little Rooks
Lower School
Sixth Form
Performing Arts
Friends of Rookwood