NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £33 per child per day if booked between 7th to 10th March! See full details

World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day at Rookwood School, the Lower School Family including The Little Rooks Nursery and Boarders came out in force!

Children at home, children in school and staff dressed up to mark the occasion with several activities also taking place across the year groups.

Activities included students filling a bag with clues to a book character, whilst their peers guessed who it was; designing bookmarks and making picture book theatres inspired by Illustrator Lydia Monks.

In the Senior School, Year 7 also made characters out of cardboard rolls.

A big well done to everyone for their fantastic efforts!