NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £43 per child per day. See full details

Non uniform day for Andover Food Bank

Our non-school uniform day on the 6th November, collected food items for Andover Foodbank and donations for Friends of Rookwood School (FORS).

FORS are a committee made up of parents and teachers. Their aim is to raise funds for ‘extras’ and arrange fun events for pupils and parents (when possible).

Here is our Deputy Head Boy and Girl with some of the items from our generous students and families.

Thank you very much for your contributions.