We are delighted as 15 Rookwood students recently received their results from their rescheduled LAMDA exams in October and they achieved an incredible set of results!
The results were 14 Distinctions and one very high merit.
Here is Lily (Year 4) who gained 90% in her devising exam, in her first ever LAMDA exam. Oliver (Year 7) who took two exams in one day-solo acting and verse and prose (both distinction) and our Head Boy William (Year 11) who gained 12 UCAS points by achieving a distinction for his LAMDA grade 6 bronze medal in solo acting.
Last year’s Year 11 pupils Alice and Lily also took their rescheduled LAMDA exams in October and achieved a distinction grade 8 solo acting and distinction grade 8 musical theatre respectively. Both receive 30 UCAS points for their efforts!
Well done to everyone. Mrs Blackmore and the whole Rookwood Family are very proud.