The whole school has got well and truly into the Christmas spirit this year! There have been competitions such as our Christmas Card Competition and Christmas Door Competition, which were both featured on our Facebook page. There have been various decorated Christmas trees, including the tree outside Highfield where pupils made the decorations for it in Textiles and Art. The pupils have made Christmas biscuits in Food Technology and our boarders made gingerbread houses over the course of a weekend. Not to forget the last day of term was dedicated to a Christmas jumper and virtual quiz day!
Thanks to Mrs Parsons, we have even managed to host an alternative Christmas Carol Service with the orchestra and senior band performing outside the Highfield building. Readings were given by some pupils and all of the pupils sang along to the carols and Christmas songs in their year groups. Mrs Parsons has also pre-recorded Carols that have been sung by various pupils and staff! The Carols can be heard here.
There was also a virtual Nativity created by Little Rooks, Reception Class and Years 1 and 2. The Little Rooks children even dressed up to sing their carols, which were recorded separately in the children’s own bubbles and then put together by Mrs Nias. Here is a video of our Little Rooks in rehearsal.