NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £43 per child per day. See full details

Anti-bullying Week 2020

Monday 16th November-Friday 20th November marked Anti Bullying week. Mr Hick was delighted to join in with the national initiative and wear his very odd socks to promote anti bullying week. Mr Hick commented “Most people understand bullying as behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time that is intended to hurt another individual or group either physically or emotionally.  Rookwood School takes bullying very seriously; we encourage pupils to report concerns at the earliest opportunity and we will always investigate and deal, in an appropriate manner, with pupils who are found to be bullying”.