PLACES AVAILABLE FOR SEPTEMBER: We have a number of places available for September 2024 entry. Please contact us to discuss your needs.


NEXT OPEN MORNING: 09.00 – 12.00 on Tuesday 1st October. Book your place, here.


About Prep School

Our Prep School pupils are urged to think for themselves and to be inquisitive about the world in which they live. We cherish their natural curiosity and do our utmost to develop their thirst for knowledge through our small classes and broad curriculum.

As an independent primary school,  we strive to develop our pupils’ academic capabilities in every way possible. However, we are equally committed to ensuring that every single member of the Prep School feels supported and cared for – a helping hand is always nearby! As a result, as our Year 6 pupils transition to Year 7, they are equipped, not only with the very firmest of academic foundations but also with confidence, independence and self-esteem.

Excellent pastoral care

Our Prep School places pastoral care at the heart of everything we do. As an independent primary school, we proudly offer small classes and a welcoming, safe environment, where we get to know every child. We follow the Emotional Assertiveness programme, which teaches children the importance of respecting their own emotions and those of others. For those times when a child needs some extra support, they are able to visit our ELSA-trained Pastoral Support Assistant, Mrs Lambourne, in The Nest.

By providing a nurturing framework based on individual respect and understanding, Rookwood pupils develop compassion, emotional resilience, and a positive sense of community.

pastoral care

Children from Rookwood's Lower School are smiling whilst sat on a bench in the playground surrounded by other children.

“Rookwood School has great teachers and lovely parents. I have never felt more welcomed by a

Current parent (2024)

Wide range of opportunities

In the Prep School, children have a wide range of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. Whilst form tutors will oversee the majority of a child’s learning, French, Music and PE are taught by specialist teachers from Reception Class and, by Year 5, children will also have specialist Art, German, DT and Food Technology lessons.

Wraparound care is available from 7.30am through to 5.30pm. Indeed, prep school students can stay even later and join us for supper in the boarding houses. Extracurricular clubs start in Year 1 and cover a wide variety of interests, including sport, computing, music, drama and chess.

school life

Two Rookwood Lower School pupils listening in a science class.

News & Events

Rookwood's Champions of Antarctica

Rookwood School recognised for commitment to protecting Antarctica

  Rookwood School is thrilled to announce that we have been recognised by the esteemed 2041 School charity for our…

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Former pupils of Rookwood School

Former pupils and colleagues return to Rookwood

On Friday 24th May 2024, we held a very special 90th Year Alumni Afternoon Tea. It was wonderful to welcome…

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Reception child in classroom

Stay, Tea and Play in Reception

  If you are interested to learn more about life in Reception Class at Rookwood School for September 2024 entry,…

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Platinum Mark Award for Sport at Rookwood School

Platinum sports success for Rookwood School

  In May last year, Rookwood School was awarded the Gold Award for the fourth year running by the School…

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Year 10 pupils’ success in basketball

  Our Year 10 pupil Oliver played this season for the Abingdon Eagles Basketball Team in the U16s National League,…

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Paul Robinson and family

Rookwood School’s new Head from September 2024

We are thrilled to introduce Mr Paul Robinson as the new Head of Rookwood School from September 2024. Currently serving…

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Pupil singing into microphone

Rookwood pupil reaches final of national musical theatre competition

Rookwood School is thrilled to announce the exceptional achievement of Macey, a talented Year 11 pupil. Having achieved her Grade…

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Rookwood Turns 90

Rookwood School turns 90!

  This year, the school turns 90 and we are busy putting plans together to make sure we celebrate in…

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Example of artwork at Rookwood School

Examples of work – Art

  Each Friday during the term, we share an example of the pupils’ work. Watch the video below to see…

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Next Open Morning

Science photo

Discover Rookwood School at our next Open Morning

Tuesday 1st October at 9.00am