NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £33 per child per day if booked between 7th to 10th March! See full details

Learning about Harvest in Bee Class

In Nursery, our Bees have been immersing themselves in the theme of Harvest! This week, the children had the exciting opportunity to dig for their own produce, fostering a hands-on connection with where our food comes from.

As part of their learning experience, the children developed their knife skills by experimenting with different knives to cut their freshly harvested vegetables. Some children initially commented, “I can’t use this one… It’s not sharp,” but with a little perseverance, many were delighted to exclaim, “Look! I did it!” Their resilience and determination were truly inspiring.

Child cutting a vegetable

Cutting open the vegetables revealed some delightful surprises, with several children discovering seeds inside. They eagerly observed the differences in size and texture, comparing the smoothness of tomato skins with the rough surfaces of peppers and the unique textures of corn cobs and mushrooms. This exploration led to discussions about the varying characteristics of each vegetable, enhancing their understanding of the natural world.

The children enjoyed the challenge of using different types of knives, comparing their ease of use, and discussing their experiences as they shared turns. Phrases like “I can’t do it!” transformed into moments of triumph as they cheered each other on. One child proudly showed Mrs Thomas their accomplishment, saying, “Look, I did it!”

As they worked with potatoes, the children compared the hardness of the ones they were cutting to those they typically see at mealtime. They even thought of different ways to use potatoes, such as mashing them, while the adults extended their learning by discussing options like chips.

Through this engaging hands-on experience, our Bees have not only learned about the importance of harvest but also honed their practical skills, built resilience, and practiced sharing and taking turns. It’s been a wonderful week of exploration and discovery in Nursery!