NEXT OPEN MORNING: Thursday 15th May 2025. Book your place

SIXTH FORM SCHOLARSHIP DAY: Saturday 22nd March 2025. Learn more here.

NURSERY OPEN MORNING: Wednesday 16th April. Book your place.

EASTER CAMP: From 7th to 17th April. £43 per child per day. See full details

About Boarding at Rookwood

Boarding at Rookwood is a unique experience and is refreshingly different from traditional boarding. We offer a warm, homely welcome in our two adjacent residential properties just a few minutes’ walk from the school site.


The boarding family

The Boarders live as a family alongside their friendly and experienced Boarding staff who also reside in the houses. Our relatively small community means that the staff know everyone well and work closely with Parents to support and nurture the young people in our care. Having a range of staff with Boarders support and care for each other as additional ‘brothers and sisters’.

All our boarding staff all have additional roles in school and so are well placed to work alongside colleagues in order to support the boarders in their studies and act as advocates where needed.

A young Rookwood boarding student and boarding staff baking cakes in the boarding accommodation.


Our Houses can accommodate up to 28 boarders aged 7 to 16 who sleep in dorms of two or three upstairs in Beechwood (girls) and Oakwood (boys). The downstairs rooms of both houses are shared and include a games room, computer room, sitting and dining rooms as well as the kitchen which is the hub of our boarding home. The two gardens are merged into one large open expanse for the children to enjoy especially during the summer months.

Rookwood boarding school students walking to the school together.


We offer a range of boarding packages designed to meet your bespoke needs as a family, and in true Rookwood way, are flexible from term to term.


Two Rookwood boarding students are reading together in their bedroom.

News & Events

Rookwood boarders' outing

Festive fun and fond memories

As the holidays approached, our boarders took a well-deserved break from their hard work and studies with a trip to…

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Fireworks at Rookwood School

A season of fun and excitement

It’s been an action-packed few weeks in boarding at Rookwood, and our boarders have embraced every moment with enthusiasm! Last…

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Miss Frame

Exciting adventures and new beginnings

This past week in boarding has been full of excitement, new experiences, and heart-warming moments. We were delighted to welcome…

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Baked goods

A weekend of creativity and fun

We had a wonderfully creative weekend in the boarding house, filled with delicious treats and lively activities. From flipping pancakes…

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Students in boarding house

Exciting update from Boarding at Rookwood

We are delighted to welcome Miss Frame as our new Head of Boarding at Rookwood School. With her wealth of…

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The Rookwood Family

Mrs Abraham, a member of Rookwood Primary School Staff.

Mrs Abraham

I have been lucky enough to work at Rookwood School for the last twenty years – which sounds like a very long time but which has gone in a flash.

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A Rookwood Sixth Form student in the classroom talking to a teacher.

Mrs Jellard

I am proud to be part of our community and see the impact we can have on students and the progress they can make.

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Chloe in Year 1 of Rookwood Private Primary School.

Chloe – Year 1

My teacher is amazing.

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