MEET OUR NEW HEADTEACHER: Read Mr Robinson’s recent interview and book your visit here.

SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING: 19.00 – 20.30 on Thursday 3rd October. Book your place, here.

NEXT OPEN MORNING: 09.00 – 12.00 on Tuesday 1st October. Book your place, here.

Drama scholarships

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Drama scholars are expected to play a full role in the Drama Department. They are expected to participate in and promote extra-curricular activities in performing arts. Drama scholars are ambassadors for performing arts in and out of lessons and should show this through their effort and attainment in drama lessons and in broader participation beyond lessons. It is possible that drama scholar can retain their scholarship even if they choose not to take drama as a GCSE or A-Level option. However, the expectations to participate fully in the broader life of the subject remains and retention of the scholarship is dependent upon it.

At 11+, candidates will be required to perform one prepared monologue of their choice, lasting approximately two minutes. This monologue should be learnt by heart. Candidates will also be asked to perform a short monologue or poem which shall be given to them during the audition. Following the performances, there shall be a discussion with the teacher with regards to the role that drama plays in the candidate’s life. Candidates should also provide a drama portfolio that details any drama examinations that they have taken, roles that they have had in a play or drama clubs that they belong to.

At 13+, candidates will be required to perform one prepared monologue of their choice, lasting approximately two minutes. This monologue should be learnt by heart. Candidates will also be asked to perform a short monologue or poem which shall be given to them during the audition. Following the performances, there shall be a discussion with the teacher with regards to the role that drama plays in the candidate’s life. Candidates should also provide a drama portfolio that details any drama examinations that they have taken, roles that they have had in a play or drama clubs that they belong to.

At 16+, candidates should provide a drama portfolio that details any drama examinations that they have taken, roles that they have had in a play or drama clubs that they belong to. External candidates will also be interviewed and may be required to demonstrate their drama skills. The school reserves the right to interview/assess internal candidates (current Rookwood students).

Black and white drama masks

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A year 2 Rookwood School student studies a globe in geography class.

Next Open Morning

Science photo

Discover Rookwood School at our next Open Morning

Tuesday 1st October at 9.00am