Art scholars are expected to play a full role in the Art Department. They are expected to participate in and promote extra-curricular activities in art. Art scholars are ambassadors for art in and out of lessons and should show this through their effort and attainment in art lessons and in broader participation beyond lessons. It is possible that an art scholar can retain their scholarship even if they choose not to take art as a GCSE or A-Level option. However, the expectations to participate fully in the broader life of the subject remains and retention of the scholarship is dependent upon it.
At 11+, candidates are required to produce two pieces of work at home, unaided:
- A drawing using any dry colour media. For example, it could be pastel, fine-line pen, conte crayons, coloured pencils or charcoal. The drawing can be of any subject e.g. a landscape, portrait or still life and could be in colour or black and white
- A painting copying or interpreting a painting by a well-known artist. This can be done using any type of paint except oil. We recommend using good quality paper or canvas for this to achieve the best result.
On the assessment day, candidates will complete an observational still life pencil drawing in the relaxed environment of the Art Department. This will last approximately an hour. The purpose of this is as much to identify creative potential as well as to assess current ability.
At 13+, candidates are required to produce two pieces of work at home, unaided:
- A drawing using any dry colour media. For example, it could be pastel, fine-line pen, conte crayons, coloured pencils or charcoal. The drawing can be of any subject e.g. a landscape, portrait or still life and could be in colour or black and white
- A painting copying or interpreting a painting by a well-known artist. This can be done using any type of paint except oil. We recommend using good quality paper or canvas for this to achieve the best result.
On the assessment day, candidates will complete an observational still life pencil drawing in the relaxed environment of the Art Department. This will last approximately an hour. The purpose of this is as much to identify creative potential as well as to assess current ability.
At 16+, candidates are required to present a portfolio of their work, which should demonstrate a range of styles and/or media. External candidates will also be interviewed and may be required to sit an examination. The school reserves the right to interview/examine internal candidates (current Rookwood Private students).